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File List  |  1994-07-25  |  29KB  |  496 lines

  1. 15REGWAD.ZIP  [0]  File loading and negative frags for 1.5
  2.                                | doom.exe and the reg 1.2 wad.
  3. 35WADS.ZIP    [0]  Several all-new DOOM levels Completely
  4.                                | original, play- tested levels for doom.
  5.                                | Also suited for DEATHMATCH play.
  6. 666L.ZIP      [0]  Doom: 666.lmp WAD not included (Doom 1.2)
  7. 8ISENUF.ZIP   [0]  8ISENUF.WAD by Neil Cameron. The research
  8.                                | station on Sirius 4 has not been responding..
  9. 9_TO_5.ZIP    [0]  9-TO-5 DOOM WAD file
  10. AA21DOOM.ZIP  [0]  Another Awsome DOOM PWAD (E2M1) Play an
  11.                                | action-packed NEW level for registered DOOM
  12.                                | Episode two, Mission one. With new sounds.
  13. AA22DOOM.ZIP  [0]  Another Awsome DOOM PWAD (E2M2) Play an
  14.                                | action-packed NEW level for registered DOOM,
  15.                                | Episode two, Mission two.
  16. ABYSSL.ZIP    [0]  Doom: Abyss.lmp WAD not inc.
  17. AFRO.ZIP      [0]  Doom WAD file from alt.binaries.doom:
  18.                                | Deathmatch fun. Lots of multiple entrances to
  19.                                | most areas. Great for doubling back on your
  20.                                | opponent. 
  21. ALIEN101.ZIP  [0]  Nice DOOM .WAD, completely new levels,
  22.                                | changes Doom to look like the movie Aliens.
  23.                                | Critters become aliens, sound and music also
  24.                                | changes to become Aliens
  25. ALIENS2.ZIP   [0]  Aliens 2 sounds for Doom [PWAD]
  26. AN11A.ZIP     [0]  House of Annoyance, a Doom WAD file for reg'd
  27.                                | Doom only. Includes wierd distorto-music
  28.                                | (Altered doom music from level 1 episode 1)
  29.                                | and a brand new e1m1 from scratch in 1 PWAD.
  30. ANIMEII.ZIP   [0]  ANIMEII based WAD for DOOM by Steve Chaney
  31.                                | Aaaaatatatatatata and other good anime sounds
  32. ANNEXDM.ZIP   [0]  Annex Of Death WAD by Ryan McGrail.  DOOM
  33. APOCALYP.ZIP  [0]  The Apocalypse Project WAD Daniel Hornbaker
  34. BARTWAD.ZIP   [0]  BARTWAD is an modified level E1M1 for DOOM
  35.                                | optimized for H2H deathmatches. A-1 balance!
  36. BASTARD3.ZIP  [0]  Bastard3 DOOM WAD file
  37. BDM1_2.ZIP    [0]  Bill's Sound replacement for DOOM.
  38. BDUSTWAD.ZIP  [0]  Another one bites the dust doom level
  39.                                | includes music and different difficulty
  40.                                | levels, also for deathmatch mode.
  41. BERSERKJ.ZIP  [0]  Pure Excitement. Yet another PWAD file for
  42.                                | the REGISTERED version of DOOM
  43. BILLY.ZIP     [0]  Billy DOOM WAD file
  44. BIOMECH.ZIP   [0]  A DOOM external wad episode. 4 levels.
  45. BLASTEM.ZIP   [0]  New WAD for DOOM registered: BLAST'EM! How
  46.                                | cool. You'll love it! New sounds, new
  47.                                | graphics, new theme! Go on, Blast the pinhead
  48. BLUDLST2.ZIP  [0]  Bloodlust DOOM WAD file
  49. BNBDOOM.ZIP   [0]  Here it is! Beavis and Butthead DOOM patch!
  50.                                | Makes the imps into Beavis and the demons
  51.                                | into Butthead! Includes 3 levels and sounds!
  52. BUTTV2.ZIP    [0]  BUTTV2.WAD by Brian Hart
  53. BU_CLAF2.ZIP  [0]  DOOM PWAD adventure. Based on Boston U.'s
  54.                                | Claflin Hall.  Cute!
  55. CAVLAB11.ZIP  [0]  CAVLAB11 - A new level for the registered
  56.                                | version of Doom for single player mode.
  57.                                | Designed and built by Dave Sawford.
  58. CHASE.ZIP     [0]  Chase DOOM WAD file
  59. CHOOK.ZIP     [0]  CHOOK DOOM V 1.0 replaces rockets in DOOM w/
  60.                                | chooks and moves the rocket launcher to
  61.                                | where a rocket launcher should be.
  62. CLASH.ZIP     [0]  Clash DOOM WAD file
  63. CLASSDM1.ZIP  [0]  CLASSIC- AL DOOM V1.01 -Well, here it is, a
  64.                                | classical music WAD file for Doom!
  65. CLSMUSIC.ZIP  [0]  A collection of different music for Doom!
  66.                                | -This is a new collection of assorted
  67.                                | classical pieces for Doom Episode 2. .WAD
  68. CNFUSION.ZIP  [0]  cnfusion.WAD
  69.                                | by Reza S. Dowlatshahi
  70.                                | This level contains a few wall which
  71.                                | you can walk through as well as hidden
  72.                                | doors. There is plenty of ammo, but you
  73.                                | should use it wisely!
  74. COLOSEUM.ZIP  [0]  Excellent Doom level.
  75. COMCON.ZIP    [0]  Command Control DOOM WAD file
  76. CONVERTM.ZIP  [0]  Convertm.WAD
  77.                                | by John Hitt
  78.                                | Human Conversion Lab the Aliens use to
  79.                                | turn the Marines into Former Humans.
  80. COR81.ZIP     [0]  Cor81 DOOM WAD file
  81. CORE.ZIP      [0]  Core DOOM WAD file
  82. CORR2.ZIP     [0]  Corridor 2-play deathmatch DOOM WAD file
  83. CRAZDOOM.ZIP  [0]  Cool Enhancements for DOOM - Over 1 meg!
  84. CRESCENT.ZIP  [0]  Crescent SCI-FI DOOM WAD file
  85. CROSFR01.ZIP  [0]  CROSSFIRE From-Scratch game level for
  86.                                | REGISTERED DOOM
  87. CTSDMG09.ZIP  [0]  NEW DOOM GRAPHICS This package will replace
  88.                                | the Troopers/Sarges with DIGITIZED Actors, so
  89.                                | D/L and Happy Slaughtering! By CREATORS.Dir86
  90. CYKE.ZIP      [0]  New DOOM PWAD.
  91. DAEMON2L.ZIP  [0]  Doom: Daemon2.LMP
  92. DANCDETH.ZIP  [0]  Dance of Death DOOM WAD file
  93. DANTE12.ZIP   [0]  DANTE'S GATE version 1.2 by dr. Sleep. DOOM
  94. DARKARMY.ZIP  [0]  A good PWAD for Doom v1.2 REGISTERED.
  95. DAVEDM.ZIP    [0]  Davey's World of Doom Doom file to make David
  96.                                | Letterman look down on you like a God! NEEDS
  97.                                | DOOM REGISTERED 1.1 OR 1.2. 
  98. DEADBS10.ZIP  [0]  DeadBS v1.0 DOOM WAD file
  99. DEADZONE.ZIP  [0]  Deadzone Doom WAD
  100. DEATH.ZIP     [0]  Death DOOM WAD
  101. DEATH2.ZIP    [0]  Mr Deathmatch v2.00 - Excellent remake of
  102.                                | level 1,1 in DOOM. Recommended for 4 players!
  103. DEATH3.ZIP    [0]  Mr Deathmatch v3.20 by Chris Richardson The
  104.                                | best Deathmatch level ever! Download this
  105.                                | file! A remake of the level 1,1 in DOOM! This
  106.                                | level is almost 10x larger.
  107. DEATHME.ZIP   [0]  Deathme DOOM WAD file
  108. DESPAIR.ZIP   [0]  Pits of Despair by Alex Hanson
  110.                                | by Brian Jackey
  111.                                | Today is your chance to graduate from simple
  112.                                | grunt forces to acceptance as a full marine.
  113. DETHMZE2.ZIP  [0]  DETHMZE2.WAD by Brian Jackey  DOOM
  114. DETHTRAP.ZIP  [0]  Deathtrap DOOM WAD file
  115. DETHWALK.ZIP  [0]  The ultimate deathmatch WAD for DOOM.
  116. DIEFAST.ZIP   [0]  DIEFAST! WAD by Jawed Karim
  117. DIOPATRA.ZIP  [0]  Diopatra DOOM WAD file
  118. DJW11WAD.ZIP  [0]  DJW11 DOOM WAD file
  120.                                | by Lee Dixon
  121.                                | This PWAD is the First level of my
  122.                                | SHORES OF HELL replacement mission.
  123. DMBASH.ZIP    [0]  Monster Bashing fun for DOOM, a new level in
  124.                                | Pwad format. ENjoy Fellow DOOMERS!
  125. DMBUTT.ZIP    [0]  Doom pwad called "Butt". 
  126. DMCAST.ZIP    [0]  Castle is an excellent deathmatch wad of a
  127.                                | castle. Check it out. Must have.
  128. DMCATW.ZIP    [0]  CATWALKS - new level for DOOM v1.2
  129.                                | registered. 
  130. DMDANT.ZIP    [0]  External PWAD file - Dante's Inferno for DOOM
  131. DMDESFAQ.ZIP  [0]  Doom level design faq - from cis gamers
  132.                                | forum. 
  133. DMEEF.ZIP     [0]  Doom pwad "DMEEF". 
  134. DMESCAPE.ZIP  [0]  Doom pwad "Escape". 
  135. DMFEAR.ZIP    [0]  Fear is another PWAD level that is excellent
  136.                                | Enjoy the action in this fear packed level!
  137. DMFURY.ZIP    [0]  Doom pwad "Fury". 
  138. DMLEGI.ZIP    [0]  Doom WAD with custom music in a Foreign
  139.                                | Legion setting in caves underground.
  140. DMLITE.ZIP    [0]  Having trouble seeing things???  This Doom
  141.                                | PWAD will solver your problems.
  142. DMMAZE.ZIP    [0]  This level is the product of having played
  143.                                | several "deathmatch" levels of other authors
  144.                                | and not being satisfied.
  145. DMRIKMUS.ZIP  [0]  Rick's New Music for E1m1-4, e2m4, etc DOOM
  146. DMSFG.ZIP     [0]  9 new levels for doom!
  147. DMSILLY1.ZIP  [0]  Doom SILLY sounds PWAD
  148. DMSORROW.ZIP  [0]  Doom pwad "Sorrow". 
  149. DMSPAC.ZIP    [0]  This is another add on for DOOM called SPACE.
  150. DMSTAN.ZIP    [0]  New DOOM PWAD. Huge level (over 300k)
  151.                                | Outstanding new level. Requires a fast
  152.                                | machine and the registered version of DOOM.
  153. DMSTRWR1.ZIP  [0]  Doom Star Wars PWAD sounds
  154. DMSTRWRS.ZIP  [0]  Doom - Star Wars Sound Patch [1/1] Adds
  155.                                | sounds from the Star Wars Trilogy to DOOM.
  156. DMSTUFF.ZIP   [0]  A lot of doom things. Zip files in the zip.
  157.                                | New characters, levels, all that fun stuff.
  158. DMTECH.ZIP    [0]  Doom WAD called TECHNOID for Registered 1.2.
  159. DM_COOL.ZIP   [0]  Doom: PWAD sound patch
  160. DM_EP5.ZIP    [0]  DOOM Episode 5: Yahoos Burning Here is a
  161.                                | completely new episode for DOOM! Quality WAD
  162. DM_LEV1.ZIP   [0]  Another Collection of Add-On Doom Levels Doom
  163.                                | V1.2 (Registered) is required. 
  164. DOOMBOOT.ZIP  [0]  BootCamp: Combat Training PWAD for DOOM
  165. DOOMLORD.ZIP  [0]  Doom WAD called LORD.
  166. DORKWAD.ZIP   [0]  DORK.WAD by Brian Tottleben
  167. DPRISON.ZIP   [0]  DeathMatch Prison, cool DOOM level.
  168. DRDEATH1.ZIP  [0]  GIANT add-on level for REGISTERED DOOM 1.x
  169.                                | Made with killing in mind. Lots to explore.
  170. DRUG_ME.ZIP   [0]  Drug Me WAD by Lore
  171. DRWHO.ZIP     [0]  Dr. Who Doom PWAD sounds
  172. DSPIRAL.ZIP   [0]  DOOM PWAD for the registered version.
  173. DTEPIS3.ZIP   [0]  THE 9 LEVELS OF HELL Nine levels created by
  174.                                | David Turpin with DEU for registered DOOM
  175. DUNGEON1.ZIP  [0]  Dungeon1.WAD by Miles Constable
  176. E1M1SAS.ZIP   [0]  E1M1SAS DOOM WAD file
  177. E2M1_MT.ZIP   [0]  E2M1 DOOM WAD file
  178. EPI1BEST.ZIP  [0]  Doom Episode 1 Best. 8 Levels of add-ons.
  179. EPI2BEST.ZIP  [0]  Doom Episodes. Episode 2 Add-on. 8 Levels.
  180. EPIC11.ZIP    [0]  EPIC DOOM WAD file
  181. EPISODE4.ZIP  [0]  DOOM Episode 4: Yahoos in Hell Here is a
  182.                                | completely new episode for DOOM. All episodes
  183.                                | can be completed without cheating.
  184. ESCAPE.ZIP    [0]  ESCAPE DOOM WAD file
  185. EVILDEAD.ZIP  [0]  Sound Effects for DOOM EVILSND.WAD
  186.                                | Evil Dead Sound Add-ons by SubSector
  187. EXPLOST.ZIP   [0]  Denver J. Presents] -/ DOOM Level : EXPLORING
  188.                                | THE LOSTA Wide open, mazing, warping
  189. EYEBALL.ZIP   [0]  This file replaces the cacodemon with a
  190.                                | roving eye. in DOOM v1.2
  191. FERTILE.ZIP   [0]  Fertile is a new wad file created for DOOM.
  192.                                | This is in my BEST category for the various
  193.                                | new levels out there.
  194. FINAL8.ZIP    [0]  This is a very tough DOOM level Episode 1
  195.                                | Level 1, with traps for the big bad dudes.
  196. FISHCAKE.ZIP  [0]  Doom external wad file.
  197. FLAMER.ZIP    [0]  Flamer V 1.0 By Biggles Patch converts Plasma
  198.                                | gun into a flame thrower and includes new
  199.                                | graphics and sounds for doom.
  200. FLASHL.ZIP    [0]  Doom: Flash.lmp
  201. FLAT_692.ZIP  [0]  FLAT DOOM WAD file
  202. FOREST20.ZIP  [0]  Forest20 DOOM WAD file
  203. FOREST21.ZIP  [0]  Forest21 DOOM WAD file
  204. FORTRESS.ZIP  [0]  Fortress add on level for the DOOM action
  205.                                | arcade game. 
  206. FREEBLUD.ZIP  [0]  2 excellent new levels for doom FREEDOM and
  207.                                | BLUDLUST. These 2 are among the best levels
  208. FRGFST21.ZIP  [0]  Frgfst 2.1 DOOM WAD
  210.                                | added graphx and good music! Just try it.
  211. GALLARY.ZIP   [0]  A large collection of new Doom WADs.
  212. GDSOUNDS.ZIP  [0]  PWAD version of Great Doom Sounds
  213. GHOSTOWN.ZIP  [0]  Ghostown - new DOOM wad file.
  214. GOG2X.ZIP     [0]  GOG2X.WAD for Doom 1.2r - The kickass
  215.                                | extended version of GOG2.WAD! More of what
  216.                                | you like the best! IMPROVED with support for
  217.                                | friendly games and head to head killings.
  218. GOTCHA3.ZIP   [0]  Gotch v3 doom WAD
  219. GOTOHELL.ZIP  [0]  Go to HELL!!! WAD by Jawed Karim
  220. GRENDEL1.ZIP  [0]  Terravia Part 1: Assault Drop (v3.0)
  221.                                | GRENDEL1.WAD by Phil Stracchino
  222. HALLS19.ZIP   [0]  Halls of Death (Episode of deathmatch wads)
  223.                                | halls1-9.wad by Jan Ignatius, Osku Salerma
  224. HALLS1_5.ZIP  [0]  Two deathmatch wads. PWAD for DOOM v1.2
  225. HALLS1_6.ZIP  [0]  Halls1-6 DOOM WAD
  226. HELLBND.ZIP   [0]  Hellbend DOOM WAD
  227. HELLGATE.ZIP  [0]  HELLGATE.WAD by Jeff Aikin
  228.                                | The UAC genius who developed the
  229.                                | trans-dimensional warp was believed killed
  230.                                | during the fiasco on Deimos.
  231. HEPTIC.ZIP    [0]  A new level from scratch for E2L2.  Supports
  232.                                | single, co-operative and deathmatch.  Will
  233.                                | work only with the registered DOOM
  234. HEVNHELL.ZIP  [0]  Heaven and Hell - Good DOOM level.
  235. HEX2.ZIP      [0]  21HEX_PN.WAD by Peter Naus  DOOM
  236. HEXXED.ZIP    [0]  Hexxed DOOM WAD
  237. HHGWAVS.ZIP   [0]  Hitchhiker Guide to the Galaxy Doom PWAD
  238. HIGHWIRE.ZIP  [0]  HIGHWIRE The Adventures of Rocket Jones, v II
  239.                                | A mission for use with registered DOOM. Cates
  240. HIROSHIM.ZIP  [0]  Well done potpourri of original sounds DOOM
  241. HN_DOOM.ZIP   [0]  HellNet Doom PWAD patch: Taz, Pumpkins, MST3K
  242. HOCKBETA.ZIP  [0]  Hockey Doom! Play hockey in DOOM over the
  243.                                | modem or network. 
  244. HORROR21.ZIP  [0]  Horror 2.1 DOOM WAD
  245. HORRORDM.ZIP  [0]  pwad for doom
  246. HRMNDOOM.ZIP  [0]  Herman DOOM. Replaces the sounds for DOOM.
  247.                                | Then changes them back if preferred.
  248. HSOFPAIN.ZIP  [0]  A new level for Doom registered version. Part
  249.                                | 3 of Into the Weezul's Lair. House of Pain
  250.                                | includes a demo and text. 
  251. HUNTER.ZIP    [0]  HUNTER.WAD, release 2
  252.                                | by Jin H. Kim  "Time Traveler"
  253. H_HOTEL.ZIP   [0]  Hell's Hotel DOOM WAD
  254. ICESKY.ZIP    [0]  PWAD for Doom v1.2 REGISTERED, replaces SKY1
  255.                                | with a view of Glacier Bay, Alaska.
  256. INHELL.ZIP    [0]  InHell.WAD by Peter J. Gizzi
  257. INTOFIRE.ZIP  [0]  INTO THE FIRE - Replaces second level of DOOM
  258.                                | FOR ADVANCED PLAYERS ONLY [1/1].
  259. INVADE1.ZIP   [0]  Invade 1 DOOM WAD
  260. IO14.ZIP      [0]  IO14.WAD Doom mission on Io
  261. JAIL11.ZIP    [0]  Jail11.WAD Doom mission
  262. JAILDM11.ZIP  [0]  JAIL11 DOOM .WAD ver 1.1 by Roland Sander
  263. JAMSNDS.ZIP   [0]  You knew I was gonna do it, NBA Jam sounds
  264.                                | for DOOM! :"Boom shaka-laka!" "He's on fire!"
  265.                                | and more! T.C. Is in the house!
  266. JB_DOOM.ZIP   [0]  James Brown Doom PWAD sound
  267. JESCO.ZIP     [0]  Jesco White hillbilly Doom PWAD
  268. JOSFUN.ZIP    [0]  JosFun 2 WADs for Doom
  269. KILLZONE.ZIP  [0]  KILLZONE.WAD doom mission
  270. LBDEMOH.ZIP   [0]  @X1E┌───────────────────────────┐@X07
  271.                                | @X1E│Laura Beyer's ADD ON LEVELS│@X07
  272.                                | @X1E│───────────────────────────│@X07
  273.                                | @X1E│   A DOOM LEVEL MADE IN    │@X07
  274.                                | @X1E│     COOPERATION WITH      │@X07
  275.                                | @X1E│ Gravis Computer Technology│@X07
  276.                                | @X1E│ Brady Publishing &        │@X07
  277.                                | @X1E│ Renegade Graphics.        │@X07
  278.                                | @X1E│                           │@X07
  279.                                | @X1E│       DEMO LEVEL          │@X07
  280. LBLEV2.ZIP    [0]  Laura Beyer's Add on level 2 for DOOM
  281.                                | Echo Cavern: Warning:  Frightening!
  282. LBLEV3.ZIP    [0]  Laura Beyer's Add on Level 3 for DOOM
  283.                                | New GFX/SND/MUSIC & MORE
  284. LEDGES.ZIP    [0]  Ledges - Great DOOM Level.
  285. LEDGES2.ZIP   [0]  A great WAD file for Doom, especially made
  286.                                | for multi-player/death match play!
  287. LEDGES3.ZIP   [0]  Ledges3 DOOM WAD
  288. LEGEND2.ZIP   [0]  For DOOM. This is the second in a series of
  289.                                | new wads. This is a completely new level and
  290.                                | is not based on any previous level (from ID
  291.                                | or elsewhere).
  292. LITHMUSI.ZIP  [0]  New Music PWAD and HOW to import your own
  293.                                | music into Doom with DEU5xx
  294. LKDETHV1.ZIP  [0]  Lkdeth v1 DOOM WAD
  295. LMPVOL1.ZIP   [0]  doom hall of fame: collector's edition for
  296.                                | shareware/registered versions - contains 17
  297.                                | lmp files with amazing battles, tricks, near
  298.                                | death battles, etc. Game adjunct.
  299. LMPVOL2.ZIP   [0]  Doom: LMP's for registered Doom ONLY
  300. LVNGHELL.ZIP  [0]  Living Hell Deathmatch WAD for DOOM
  301. MAKDOOM2.ZIP  [0]  MAK's Doomdom by Martin A. Krebs
  302.                                | Two classic Doom levels complete with
  303.                                | all three keys, traps, secret doors,
  304.                                | and of course, lots of targets.
  305. MANDIX11.ZIP  [0]  PWAD for DOOM v1.2 REGISTERED
  306. MARC1_1.ZIP   [0]  MARC1 DOOM WAD file
  307. MAVERICK.ZIP  [0]  Maverick DOOM WAD file
  308. MAZE.ZIP      [0]  MAZE DOOM WAD file
  309. MAZEWAD.ZIP   [0]  Mazewad DOOM WAD
  310. MEGALABL.ZIP  [0]  Doom: MEGALAB.lmp
  311. MEGAPACK.ZIP  [0]  A new, updated version of MEGAWATT.WAD and
  312.                                | the totally new MEGALAB.WAD for the
  313.                                | registered version of DOOM. Great new levels
  314.                                | built with DEU5.1 and BSP1.1.
  315. MEGAWATL.ZIP  [0]  Doom: Megawatt.LMP
  316. MEMPHIS.ZIP   [0]  Memphis DOOM WAD file
  317. MICK.ZIP      [0]  Mick.WAD doom mission
  318. MICKWADD.ZIP  [0]  MICK.WAD by Mick Fink.Advised to play w/mouse
  319. MIG_WADS.ZIP  [0]  8 WAD files for REGISTERED version of DOOM.
  320. MKDOOM.ZIP    [0]  32 Chilling, Thrilling new sound effects for
  321.                                | DOOM v1.2. Turn your DOOM game into a real
  322.                                | NIGHTMARE!
  323. MSTDOOM.ZIP   [0]  MST3k sound for Doom - PWAD
  324. MTFIRE09.ZIP  [0]  MTFire9 DOOM WAD
  325. MYDOOM10.ZIP  [0]  Sound for Doom req. Dmaud
  326. MYMIXWAD.ZIP  [0]  PWAD Doom sound file
  327. NASTY11.ZIP   [0]  Nasty v1.1 DOOM WAD
  328. NATHRATH.ZIP  [0]  Nathrath's Fab Four WAD by Hermans & Nathrath
  329. NEMO.ZIP      [0]  NEMO.WAD by Bill "Datasquid" Bessette (7/94)
  330. NEWLEV.ZIP    [0]  8 excellent new levels for Doom (that's
  331.                                | right, and entire new episode) in 1wad
  332. NEWLEVEL.ZIP  [0]  3 new levels for Doom.
  333. NEWLVLS.ZIP   [0]  Collection of new doom levels newly designed
  334.                                | levels, not customized versions of old
  335.                                | levels. Required: Doom V1.2 (Registered).
  336. NEW_WADS.ZIP  [0]  NEW WAD MISSIONS FOR DOOM -Here are 22 new
  337.                                | missions for Doom. These wads have some
  338.                                | obvious changes such as walls, lighting,
  339.                                | height, objects, enemies, etc. These are
  340.                                | better than INTO THE FIRE. 
  341. NITRO1.ZIP    [0]  Nitro v1 DOOM WAD
  342. NITRO2.ZIP    [0]  Excellent PWAD for DOOM v1.2 REGISTERED
  343. NOVA05C.ZIP   [0]  NOVA v.05e A small, dark, forbidding
  344.                                | deathmatch level for Doom. For maximum
  345.                                | enjoyment, set gamma to none. For registered
  346.                                | users only. 
  347. NUCLEAR2.ZIP  [0]  Nuclear v2 DOOM WAD
  348. OCTAGONL.ZIP  [0]  Doom: Octagon.LMP
  349. OPOST21L.ZIP  [0]  Doom: Outpost.LMP
  351. PEACE_20.ZIP  [0]  PEACE_20.WAD by Wolfgang Grassl  for DOOM
  352. PELLEJOS.ZIP  [0]  Pellejos.WAD Doom mission
  353. PENTADTH.ZIP  [0]  PentaDeath WAD doom mission
  354. PENTGRAM.ZIP  [0]  PENTAGRA.WAD by Jin H. Kim  "Time Traveler"
  355. PETKILLR.ZIP  [0]  DOOM WAD file called PETKILLER.
  356. PGTTK15.ZIP   [0]  Prison Guard Tower Tracker v1.5 Puts you
  357.                                | right into the action of being a prison guard
  358.                                | tower watchman. Your mouse will become your
  359.                                | infrared spotlight night scope. Difficult
  360.                                | DOOM PWAD
  361. PIE.ZIP       [0]  Pie DOOM WAD
  362. PJSWAD01.ZIP  [0]  New DOOM Level! New E1M1 map for single and
  363.                                | deathmatch play! Designed with new editor.
  364. PREDATOR.ZIP  [0]  Predator Sound FX
  365.                                | by
  366.                                | -- Dream Warrior --
  367.                                | -- Time Traveler --
  368.                                | Ok, so here are the Predator sounds for Doom,
  369.                                | tested with Doom v1.2.
  370. PUREEVIL.ZIP  [0]  Pureevil.wad by Doug Ryerson. A nice level wi
  371.                                | Includes a movie theatre and lots of linedef 
  372. PURPLE25.ZIP  [0]  D E E P  -  P U R P L E WAD for DOOM KJ Solie
  373. PURPLMPS.ZIP  [0]  Doom: Purple25 LMP's WAD included
  374. PYTHON.ZIP    [0]  Monty Python Doom PWAD sounds!
  375. QUARK1.ZIP    [0]  Outpost Quark -- version 1 Doom WAD by S Rice
  376. QUATRO.ZIP    [0]  Quatro.WAD Doom mission
  377. QUIRUL.ZIP    [0]  Quirul.WAD Doom mission
  378. REACTOR2.ZIP  [0]  Reactor2 DOOM WAD file
  379. REALM10.ZIP   [0]  Realm DOOM WAD file
  380. REDRUM_G.ZIP  [0]  PWAD for single player for DOOM v1.2 -- Not
  381.                                | intended for deathmatch
  382. RH21A.ZIP     [0]  First level of "Ship of DOOM" WAD It
  383.                                | ain't the Love-Boat! 
  384. RIKER10.ZIP   [0]  DOOM PWAD (registered version).
  385. RIP2.ZIP      [0]  Rip2 DOOM WAD
  386. RIP3.ZIP      [0]  Rest In Pieces:  Part III
  387.                                | Deathmatch designed series For DOOM
  388. RIP4.ZIP      [0]  Rest In Pieces:  Part IV
  389.                                | Deathmatch designed series For DOOM
  390. RIP5.ZIP      [0]  Rest In Pieces:  Part V
  391.                                | Deathmatch designed series For DOOM
  392. RIP6.ZIP      [0]  Rest In Pieces:  Part VI
  393.                                | Deathmatch designed series For DOOM
  394. RIP7.ZIP      [0]  Rest In Pieces:  Part VII
  395.                                | Deathmatch designed series For DOOM
  396. RIP8.ZIP      [0]  Rest In Pieces:  Part VIII
  397.                                | Deathmatch designed series For DOOM
  398. RIPWAD.ZIP    [0]  WAD for DOOM by player/enthusiast
  400. RUNLKHEL.ZIP  [0]  RUNLKHEL.WAD, Author Duffy Knox Designed for
  401.                                | single player, multiple player or
  402.                                | Deathmatch modes, easy, medium or hard.
  403. S2RACE.ZIP    [0]  S2-WAD: Race11.wad New Level for Doom Great
  404.                                | level for Deathmatch Play. 
  405. S2_4CYL.ZIP   [0]  S2-WAD: Four Cylinders - Great New Doom Level
  406.                                | Excellent for Deathmatch but plays in single
  407.                                | player fine too. 
  408. SAPIDUS.ZIP   [0]  Sapidus DOOM WAD
  409. SAPIDUSB.ZIP  [0]  SapidusB DOOM WAD
  410. SCANYON.ZIP   [0]  S-Canyon DOOM WAD
  411. SCARVES.ZIP   [0]  SCARVES.WAD by Andrew Scarvell
  412. SERPENT.ZIP   [0]  Serpent DOOM WAD
  413. SEWERS.ZIP    [0]  A PWAD file for Doom, this one takes you into
  414.                                | the Bowels of the Sewer, with monsters.
  415. SHEPHERD.ZIP  [0]  SHEPHERD.WAD for DOOM by Scott W. Shepherd
  416. SIMON10.ZIP   [0]  SIMON10.WAD (ver 1.0) by Simon VOIGT
  417.                                | Simon10.wad is at this stage a two mission PW
  418. SKYCITY.ZIP   [0]  SKYCITY.WAD by Darren K. McKeigan
  419. SMALL2.ZIP    [0]  Small2 DOOM WAD
  420. SOFTHELL.ZIP  [0]  WAD for DOOM by player/enthusiast
  421. SPEEDOOM.ZIP  [0]  Speedoom DOOM WAD
  422. SPILLWAY.ZIP  [0]  Another DOOM PWAD file that replaces episode
  423.                                | 3 level 1. Includes an LMP file to view.
  424.                                | Supports: All skill levels.
  425. SPIT.ZIP      [0]  Spit.WAD Doom
  426. SPORTS.ZIP    [0]  Sports DOOM WAD
  427. STARWAR1.ZIP  [0]  WAD file for DOOM. Deathstar Map
  428. STARWAR2.ZIP  [0]  Starwars v2 Doom WAD file
  429. STATIONX.ZIP  [0]  STATION X a p-wad for DOOM. All new level
  430.                                | made from scratch using DEU. Destroy genetic
  431.                                | experiments at the Universal Acme Corp.
  432. STERNWAD.ZIP  [0]  Howard Stern for Doom (PWAD)!
  433. STJOHNS.ZIP   [0]  StJohns DOOM WAD
  434. STONESDM.ZIP  [0]  A great new level for Doom in PWAD format.
  435.                                | Use with Registered Doom only. 
  436. STOOGES.ZIP   [0]  3 Stooges Doom PWAD (guards/sergeants/demon)
  437. STREAM.ZIP    [0]  Stream.WAD Doom mission
  438. SUBWAY11.ZIP  [0]  SUBWAY v1.1 - new action level for the DOOM
  439.                                | arcade game.
  440. SUPPRSN.ZIP   [0]  A new DOOM Pwad level called Suppression.
  441. SUPRDOOM.ZIP  [0]  Add-on WAD file for DOOM registered version
  442. SWIG1.ZIP     [0]  SWIG1.WAD by Scott Swigart. Load w/RESPAWNopt
  443. SWMUSFX2.ZIP  [0]  StarWars Sound WAD for DOOM w/fine Audio.
  444. T2.ZIP        [0]  Terminator 2 Doom sound PWAD
  445. TAAWTS.ZIP    [0]  Things Aren't Always What They Seem DOOM WAD
  446. TASTY.ZIP     [0]  A 4 part DOOM level by Eddie Nguyen
  447.                                | Collected from the 'net. Excellent!Tough!
  448. TECHBASE.ZIP  [0]  Techbase DOOM WAD
  449. TED12.ZIP     [0]  Ted12 DOOM WAD
  450. TEMPLEL.ZIP   [0]  TempleL DOOM WAD
  451. THELAST.ZIP   [0]  THE L A S T - new level for registered DOOM
  452. THENEST.ZIP   [0]  THE NEST Adventures of Rocket Jones, Vol I
  453.                                | A mission for use with registered DOOM
  454. THEPITS.ZIP   [0]  New level for DOOM called "The Pits.".
  455. THEPITSL.ZIP  [0]  Doom: Thepits.LMP
  456. THETA_4.ZIP   [0]  Theta-4 doom WAD
  457. THE_GRID.ZIP  [0]  DoomWAD file from alt.binaries.doom:
  458.                                | Specifically designed 4 player deathmatch
  459.                                | level (Fun single player too).
  460. TIBET.ZIP     [0]  Doom v1.2 PWAD that features play for all
  461.                                | modes.  New graphics.
  462. TOWER2.ZIP    [0]  Tower2 doom WAD
  463. TOWN.ZIP      [0]  "The whole city's gone to hell!" DOOM PWAD
  464. TREE3.ZIP     [0]  TREE 3 doom WAD
  465. UAC_DEAD.ZIP  [0]  New DOOM wad file. Set in Jakarta.
  466. UAC_DED1.ZIP  [0]  Dooms day of UAC (UAC_DEAD.WAD) ver 1.0 (FINA
  467.                                | Earth date : December 10, 2010. In Jakarta
  468. URBNBETA.ZIP  [0]  PWAD where you must save your town. DOOM
  469. V12_LMPS.ZIP  [0]  Doom: collection of 1.2 LMP's
  470. VOICES.ZIP    [0]  Doom: PWAD sound patch: SPISPOPD
  471. WADPAK1.ZIP   [0]  3 complete new episodes for Doom, 24 new
  472.                                | levels in all. 
  473. WADPAK3.ZIP   [0]  WADPAK3.WAD by Gary Karnik, Combines some of
  474.                                | of the best shareware PWADs for DOOM into
  475.                                | reasonable new episodes, each playabel by a
  476.                                | single player or deathmatch just as in ID.
  477. WANTON12.ZIP  [0]  This file contains 2 made-from-scratch levels
  478.                                | for DOOM. They seem to be very good.
  479. WARHOUSE.ZIP  [0]  Warehouse new level for DOOM!
  480. WARZONE.ZIP   [0]  New WAD for Doom, E1M1. Try this one on
  481.                                | Ultra.Go kick some demon BUTT! 
  482. WARZONE2.ZIP  [0]  New level for DOOM, E1M2.Created for
  483.                                | Deathmatch, solo or cooperative.
  484. WEEZUL.ZIP    [0]  A new trilogy of levels for DOOM
  485.                                | registered version only. Into the Weezul's
  486.                                | Lair by James Gerbino. Includes score by
  487.                                | J.S.Bach and demos in one PWAD! 
  488. WEEZUL5.ZIP   [0]  Weezul5 DOOM WAD
  489. XENO11.ZIP    [0]  Xeno DOOM WAD
  490. YAKWORLD.ZIP  [0]  Spectacular WAD for Doom. Over 1 meg in size
  491.                                | with many new graphics, problems.
  492. YCRBYCH.ZIP   [0]  This is a DEATHMATCH only PWAD for DOOM Don't
  493.                                | look for the exit because there ain't one.
  494. ZAMBONY.ZIP   [0]  Nice level for DOOM.
  495. ZMAZE11.ZIP   [0]  Zmaze v1.1 DOOM WAD